Winlet 375

  • Minimal physical effort
  • Faster mounting
  • Satisfied employees
  • Less damage to materials
  • Good working conditions

This method of glass mounting is revolutionary.
Working conditions are immediately improved with the use of this machine.
Glass elements up to 375 kg are simply lifted via vacuum, transported and mounted where desired.
You or your employees have almost no physical effort involved.
The machine is fully electrically controllable via a drive lever and a control panel.
Thanks to the variable speed of the hydraulic cylinders, you move the loads very precisely without damage at their destination.

Need more information? Take a look at our brochure or contact us.


Winlet 375

  • Minimal physical effort
  • Faster mounting
  • Satisfied employees
  • Less damage to materials
  • Good working conditions

This method of glass mounting is revolutionary.
Working conditions are immediately improved with the use of this machine.
Glass elements up to 375 kg are simply lifted via vacuum, transported and mounted where desired.
You or your employees have almost no physical effort involved.
The machine is fully electrically controllable via a drive lever and a control panel.
Thanks to the variable speed of the hydraulic cylinders, you move the loads very precisely without damage at their destination.

Need more information? Take a look at our brochure or contact us.


Product specifications

Lifting capacity 375 kg – 200 kg
Lifting height 307 cm
Reach 95,8 cm
Operating mode Fully electric

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